There are 3 main types of public transportations in Melbourne

  • Train
  • Tram
  • Bus

No matter which one you are taking, you will need to purchase Myki. Myki is a card that allows you to travel around Melbourne. Without it, you will get fined if the inspector catches you.

You can purchase Myki Card 

  • at Metro premium stations
  • at myki machines at all Metro railway stations and some accessible tram stops and bus interchanges (full fare only)
  • at 7-Eleven stores or one of 800 retailers across Melbourne, click here for details
  • online at
  • by calling 1800 800 007
  • at the PTV Hub at Southern Cross Station

There are 2 types of fares for Myki – full fare or concession. International students can only purchase full fare Myki unless you are

  • a full-time international student, AND
  • enrolled in a bachelor or associate degree, diploma or advanced diploma, AND
  • studying at an educational institute that’s signed up to the iUSEpass program.

Unfortunately, Ruby Institute is not one of the educational institutes. However, you still use your student card to get discounts in a lot of places.

Please note that there is no public transportation to take you directly from the airport to the city. But don’t worry, here are a few ways to get you to your accommodation  from the airport.