Job Support: 9 Ways to Find a Student Job in Melbourne
Ruby Institute + SuniTAFE Scholarship Program
How to choose a language school?
Benefits of Blended Learning at Ruby
During the COVID-19 lockdown, Ruby converted campus classes to online ones. Even though the online classes were necessary and convenient, it is undeniable that we did lose some of the value of the traditional campus-based classes. The combination of both campus and online components is called blended delivery. This form of delivery has advantages of both campus and online training.
Student Welfare – Reconnect
After 2020, many people feel like they have lost their connection with others. They now look forward to some…
Student welfare – Volunteering
How to be a part of the community in Australia?
Many international students have found themselves isolated from the local community.
4 benefits when you study offshore
Many international students are waiting for the Australian international borders to open so that they can come here to study and experience the culture.
A Story Between METAustralia and Ruby Institute
In November 2019, I received an email from Ruby Institute.
It was Ruby’s Marketing and Student Support Officer Ms. Laura De Angelis.
Laura was extremely kind and always so lovely, either via her emails and in person when we first got invited to come at the facility.
The benefits of online class recording
During COVID-19, classes are recorded at Ruby Institute, as they are in other institutions. This is very normal across any school delivering classes online for the following reasons:
Student welfare – Meditation
Many people talk about meditation. Arguments in favour of meditation include that it may help you to