You may be eligible for Coronavirus (COVID-19) Worker support payment
The Victorian Government is providing one-off payments to financially support Victorian workers who are required to self-isolate or quarantine due to coronavirus (COVID-19).
A one-off $1500 payment to support Victorian workers who:
Have been instructed by the Department of Health and Human Services to self-isolate or quarantine at home because they are either diagnosed with coronavirus (COVID-19) or are a close contact of a confirmed case.
To receive either payment you must be:
- 17 years and over
- currently living in Victoria (including people on Temporary Protection Visas and Temporary Working Visas 457 and 482)
- in continuing employment, likely to have worked during the period of self-isolation or quarantine and are unable to work as a result of the requirement to stay at home.
- You must not be receiving any income, earnings or salary maintenance from work.
- You must have exhausted sick leave entitlements including any special pandemic leave.
- You must not be receiving the JobKeeper payment or other forms of Australian Government income support
Workers include those that are permanent, casual, part-time, fixed term, and self-employed. You don’t need to be a citizen or permanent resident to be eligible.
The coronavirus (COVID-19) worker support payments recognise the requirement to self-isolate or quarantine at home can have a financial burden for some individuals and families.
Providing financial support can help reduce this burden, making it easier for people to stay at home while they wait for their test result.
Please register here if you believe you are eligible for this fund. For more information, please refer to DHHS website.
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